The European organisations CESIE, InteRed and Südwind, within the framework of the Project “Transformative Educational Methods for Social Inclusion and Global Citizenship” financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, organised Multiplier Events aimed at educational agents to disseminate the results and materials generated by the TEMSIC Project. The dissemination of results and resources is an essential part for guaranteeing the impact of the actions on the target groups, in this case, teachers, educational staff from public institutions and technical staff from civil society organizations.
The materials that have been disseminated through these events have been, on the one hand, the methodological guides aimed at teachers on key issues such as interculturality, coeducation, critical skills or socio-emotional education from a Global Citizenship Education approach and, on the other hand, cooperative games for social inclusion and social transformation for each educational stage focused on global challenges linked to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, such as gender equality, the climate crisis or cultural diversity.
The project’s dissemination strategy contemplates various communication and dissemination actions, which are complemented by direct actions in the form of the already mentioned multiplier events. These events have taken different formats depending on the leading organisation in each country and considering the context and the possibilities of participation of the key actors.
In Spain, a total of 3 multiplier events have been carried out, 2 in face-to-face format and 1 in online format (webinar). A total of 64 participants, mainly teachers with a previous bond on GCE and educational inclusion, have participated in these meetings and have learned about the results and materials of the project. During these meetings, the methodological guides for teachers and the cooperative games for each educational stage have been introduced and shared. In addition, in face-to-face events, teachers had the opportunity to take a copy of the cooperative game with them for its implementation in the classroom.
In Italy, a large face to face multiplier event was held with the assistance of 55 participants, mainly teachers belonging to the network of CESIE collaborating educational centres, in which the results and materials of the project were presented. The teaching staff had the opportunity to see first-hand the methodological guides and cooperative games generated within the framework of the project, as well as the experience of CESIE throughout the Project.
In Austria, 3 multiplier events were held (1 face-to-face event and 2 online events) aimed at teachers and other educational agents, including key counterparts, with the total participation of 96 educational actors. As in the other countries, the participating teachers had the opportunity to learn about the results and materials generated by the TEMSIC Project. In the case of Austria, the impact generated in key counterparts stands out, since through its online event it was possible to convene 33 stakeholders, including staff from public educational institutions, who were able to learn first-hand about the results and materials of the project, favouring a greater dissemination.
The scope of direct participation of the multiplier events organised in the three countries has been a total of 215 participants (teachers, educational staff from public institutions and technical staff from civil society organizations). This number is multiplied as the participants express great interest in the materials and in disseminating them among their networks and colleagues in the education sector.